Corporate Governance Policy The Company's Board of Directors is committed to the principles of Good Corporate Governance by defining policies for business operation to have a good corporate governance that is transparent and could be verified. In order to provide assurance to the shareholders, the Company would constantly disclose information to the public and shareholders.

In addition, the Company also values the importance of internal control systems and risk management, including following up on the practices of the Good Corporate Governance policy continuously. The disclosed information would be published on the Company's website to directors, executives, employees and other people to be acknowledged about the Good Corporate Governance. Moreover, they would also be followed up by the Audit Committee along the way.

Corporate Governance Policy
Corporate Governance Policy
Board of Director Charter
Audit Committee Charter
Risk Management Committee Charter
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Executive Committee Charter
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Charter
Other Policies
CSR Policy
Connected Transaction Policies and Procedures
Human Rights Policy
Nomination Compensation Policy
Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Policy Sustainable Development Policy
Corporate Document
Articles of Association
Memorandum of Association
Anti-Corruption Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy